Prejudice, labels, shame, embarrasment...

What do these words have in common?If you have prejudices, and if you want to label people based on their background, religion or nationality, you'll only make a fool out of yourself and you'll totally embarras yourself in the eyes of everyone else!I'm so sick of online forums right now.Just because you can stay anonyme online, doesn't mean you have to hurt everyone else and spread opinions that base on rumours, lack of knowledge, prejudice and fear of unknown.Later you will feel ashamed and sorry.If you really want to be heard, behave yourself! Learn how to talk to people and treat others and gain some knowledge first.Calling names or making fun of another person isn't going to get you heard.Sure you can keep on misbehaving, but then you shouldn't expect people to listen to you. Because they won't. Sure you'll get plenty of attention, but only negative attention.Opinions are like assholes - everyone's got one and most of them stink.Are you going to let the media fool you and brainwash you, that easily?Who's the one that creates stupid prejudices and sets people against each other?It's the media! Stop being a victim of such brutal brainwash and try using your own brain for once. Everyone who's interested in what's happening around himself, who follows the news and politics, should understand that one shouldn't believe everything. You don't have to believe everything people or especially the media tell you, especially if it's based on nothing but prejudices!Keep acting like that and you'll go nuts. You'll forget how to behave and make a fool out of yourself. All muslims aren't Arabs, only 20 percent of all muslims are Arabs. So why do you assume everything Arabs do have something to do with Islam? There are different cultures, as well. If African people (from all religious backgrounds, muslims, christians, jews) practice female genital circumcision, it's a cultural thing, NOT religious. It has nothing to do with Islam, so stop calling it Islamic. Stop mixing cultures and religions, it will only get you and everyone else confused.