Freshwater Plants for Aquarium Shrimp Food Supplies

Freshwater aquarium plants are a must when you own a shrimp tank – they do not only make your fish tank look nice but they also give your shrimp a good place to hide and an alternative source of nourishment. Having live aquarium plants in your shrimp tank will also keep the tank clean, maintain the correct pH level in the water, and oxygenate the water. Now that we established the fact that your shrimp tank needs live plants for aesthetic purposes and aquarium shrimp food supplies, you need to determine what kind of plants are suitable for your shrimp tank. Here is a list of the best freshwater aquarium plants for your shrimp tank: Water Wisteria Also known as “bunch plants”, the Water Wisteria is a favorite among shrimp tank owners because of the shape of their leaves. It gives the shrimps an interesting hiding place and gives your aquarium an intriguing look. The Water Wisteria can thrive in any condition as long as the tank has a lot of oxygen and they are able to root into the gravel of the tank well. This plant is also easy to multiply – just snip off a long stem and bury it in 3 to 4 inches of gravel and once it takes root, the plant will do the rest for you. Java Moss and Fern The Java moss and fern are one of the most popular freshwater aquarium plants and usually attaches to ornaments in the tank like rocks or driftwood. Java moss and fern grows better in low lighting – bright light can stunt the growth of these plants. Take note that the Java fern can grow rapidly and can propagate by itself. Its spores will simply float around the tank until it finds something stable to attach themselves to. You might want to invest in aquas cape aquarium supplies so you can trim them off anytime. Cryptocorynes Referred to as “Crypts” for short, this live aquarium plant has different looks and varieties in terms of shape, color, and size. They grow in dim lighting and need some special attention because of their complex roots. They need to be buried 2 inches deep on the gravel and you have to make sure that the crown is kept above the gravel. You have to be aware though that these beautiful plants come with what they call the “Crypt Melt” condition, which happens when you first plant them in the tank. The change of water parameter shocks the Crypts and this will cause them to lose all their leaves. When this happens, do not worry. It is an initial reaction and is not fatal for the plant. Dwarf Lilies This is a fragile plant so it is only advised to use this is you do not have too much shrimps in your tank. Dwarf lilies are like small arrowheads with very thin stems that breaks off easily. But they do look good so if you want them in your shrimp tank, it is advised to buy ones that are older so they will be less likely to break. Remember that having natural living plants are the best way to decorate your shrimp tank. Aside from giving it a great look, plants also play a huge role in giving your shrimp a longer lasting survival rate.