five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutesFive hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dearFive hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutesHow do you measure, measure a year?In daylights, in sunsetsIn midnights, in cups of coffeeIn inches, in milesIn laughter, in strifeIn five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutesHow do you measure a year in the life I find it amazing how people find each other. How you make friends. Another human being that understands you. That trusts you. That appreciates you. It is a unique thing. And I find it amazing how you find friends when your older. When you have different backgrounds. Different perspectives. Different ambitions. But to find friends when you are older are absolutely fantastic. You have actively decided to keep these persons close because you enjoy them. Their company, their laughter, their discussions, their thoughts, their mentality, their choices. It is not often it happens, but when it does. Then you know you haven been in the right place and in the right time. Never a goodbye, always a see you later.