Maxinne Björk – "The Conscious Play Party"

Maxinne Björk – "The Conscious Play Party"

First of all - I wasn’t planning to write about this experience at first. Mostly cause something very unexpected happened and also cause of respect to all the other participants that was there. When you attend one of these events - everything that happened there, stays there. 

But I like to share a little bit of it, and as long as I write it from my feelings view I decide for now that it's okey. 

There was a very beautiful group of people who arranged it. They planned everything with their hearts and all of them from conscious mindsets. A house got rented for the event and we were among 20 - 25 people. Nothing was ever to be forced, you could go there and just have conversations or you could go to explore further. What every that would suit you at the moment and what ever feeling that is right for you at that time. They had a long opening circle were we went through rules, how to say yes and no, spoke about boundaries and limits, about desires and so on. It all was a very safe space, with again - very loving people carefully chosen for the event.

So. A little bit of fact, a little bit och background. You get it. 

Back to my experience. 

I have had explored in sexual situations with more than one person at the same time before, but those moments have happened very organically. Naturally. Without planning and because of attraction at the time. So an event where you actually attend to potentially have sexual interactions with one or many people feels a little bit strange for me. Also I’m very picky with my energy matching. Not so much about looks, but my energy needs to level with someones elses to make me get attracted and turned on. So I was a bit worried that I would go there and not really feeling it. But then me and Franziska decided that that was okey too. That we could go there together and feel the vibe and also have as a main topic to practice saying no. That is always a beautiful practice that is so so so important in our life. 

So we decided for a yes. We pimped ourselves in sexy outfits. 
Me and Franziska had an open circle at my balcony first to set our intentions and to begin our journey together. And I was nervous. 

A longer scooter ride out in the jungle and we were there. 

So before this me and G (let's just call this man, this ex boyfriend/lover/partner of mine that have keep on pooping up here in my writings - for the letter G, if you have missed those parts herehere and here for a reminder with history and pics) decided to go separate ways and not speak with each other anymore. Which is kind of hard when you live in the same small village for a longer while. But said and done. That was the situation at the moment. 

I’m waking up the stairs to the room where the open circle was about to happened. And also where the play party would take place. First thing I see is some people spanking each other, then next - G in the corner. My heart started beating even more and I started to think ”but what the fuck, the only person you spontaneously don’t want to meet at this kind of a event”. I had also already seen the event with all people who were invited, and he wasn’t among those people, so it was really chocking that he was there. But apparently he got invited last minute with his friends. He stood up, came to me and we nervously agreed that this was kind of an odd situation, but found that it was really nice to see each other as well. We joined the group of people, coupled and then it all began. We got paired up two and two, for some practices asking each other what we liked and so on. And this ended up in some form of foreplay instead, since we already know everything about each others sexual desires. Of course I couldn’t resist his sexual energy that just resonates perfectly with mine. Like a loving dance of sexual hormones who can not get enough of each other.

He asked if we could try not to hurt each other on this party, my answer was kind of confused, how can you not hurt someone on this kind of party when you still have feelings for one another? Its kind of the weirdest setting to try to play smooth for each other. We decided to start the journey just him and I, and then what every happens happens.

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