Moody thursday's and PMS

I feel sorry for everyone that I've met over the last two days haha. Gosh, why is it that my PMS takes me by surprise every month even though I know that it's going to happen? You could think that I would have it down by now, especially since I'm on the pill and have a very regular cycle. For the last days I've been a walking emotional storm and the only thing I want to do is dress as comfortably as possible, move my body gently and take care of myself...and yell at my boyfriend for reasons that do not exist haha.  As I was going through the worst part of my PMS yesterday I saw a book that Michaela Forni was reading called Moon Time. It is about getting to know your cycle & how to harness your energy during the cycle. It almost felt like a bit of sign when the book appeared in my when I got home this afternoon I ordered it. I'm so excited to see what it is about and if it can teach me more about myself and my body!  On a more serious note though I really do feel that I need to get to know my own cycle better. I know how I feel going through it but I want to be able to design my life a bit better based on my energy levels and my hormones.Do you guys know your cycles well?