Self care & days off

I usually try and have one or two days completely off every week. Then of course, sometimes I need to study more and sometimes less so my life doesn't have as much routine as it will once I finish uni and start working full time. To not have a very clear routine each week makes life both easier and harder to be honest. I often struggle with the thought of not studying when I have time off even though I'm almost always in phase and have done everything on the to-do list... To avoid the itchy feeling of not being able to relax there's a couple of things I try and do on my days off that might work for you too if you're like me and don't have set routines each day! ♥ The night before I remind myself that tomorrow I am completely off and I make sure to not even consider 'studying just for an hour'. Telling yourself that you might do some work or studying will only make you stressed and result in you not enjoying your day off!  ♥ Let your own body clock wake you up and don't rush out of bed. I'm an early riser and often struggle a little with laying in bed for even an extra 15 minutes but sometimes that's all you need. ♥ Move your body! I don't care what you do as long as you do something. Breaking a sweat or going for a long walk allows your mind to relax and releases all the good hormones your body thrives on. Health is wealth sissy's! ♥ Make your favourite breakfast, because...well you have the time. Hope you guys have an amazing Wednesday x