Monday, A fresh start, Embrace it.

Hey friends! Did you have a good weekend? Mine hasn't been too exciting, actually maybe one of the most boring ones in a while. I got ill and got a fever on Friday so Spent most of the time in bed, sleeping and ordering food from Deliveroo. I still feel a bit under the weather but it’s Monday and I have a busy week ahead. Let’s look at some of the things I have planned.  Monday: My alarm went off at 5:00 am this morning and soon I’m off to an event, Bussiness Beyond Borders with Facebook and Instagram. I’m gonna be there all day ago learn about how you can grow your business in those channels, and how to win in the digital world today. I’m super excited! In the evening I have some work to catch up on.  Tuesday: If I’m feeling well I’m gonna start this morning with a work out session. During the day I have some meeting and lots of interviews since we’re hireling new people. That will take up most of the day so I’m sure I will need to work a bit in the evening too and we also have some small campaigns which are launching this week so I have a lot to do.  Wednesday: Maybe gym in the morning again, I hope to have the energy to do so. Lunch with my friends Linnea (who also now is my colleague!). I love working with friends and have actually done it many times before.  Thursday: I’m in the office all day and after work, I have a work event. I’m gonna see if I can get anyone to come with me, I think events are much more fun if you have a colleague or friend with you.  Friday: I’m working from home on Friday which will be nice. I’m gonna try to write some articles all day since I won’t be disturbed by anything. During lunch, I’ll take a break to go to the gym and after work I’m meeting a friend for drinks or maybe dinner. Saturday: Have a Swedish party brunch at Aquavit that start’s at noon so I guess that will be my Saturday. I’m sure some of us while continuing on somewhere else after. I feel like a cosy hotel bar or somewhere with a fire and comfy sofas.  Sunday: Unplanned - maybe cinema, a long brunch or just a day in bed?  ♡