Yesterday after breakfast I made myself pretty for a fun day out in the sun! Leather mini skirt, check.  It was sunny and 14 degrees outside, time for flowy, white fabrics!!!  While D. got ready I smelled my roses a bit 🌹 Looked at my wall calendar, February is one of my favourites: "Hi what a fun party. I function in a variety of social contexts". Pottered about with one of my planty corners. Love my green, planty corners.  The plant that started it all: I have no idea what it's latin name is but we call him Planty, after Robert Plant 🎙 A chili baby, a cutting from a plant in the other room, a cutting from a bush in Normandie.  Ready to head out! We had been out a bit later than planned the night before but I was feeling surprisingly energetic.  We were off to the zoo to  make use of our yearly passes! First stop: snack bar for popsicles :)))  I tried so hard not to take a million pictures, which I always do.. there are just so many cute animals there! Anyway, hung out by the penguins for a while, they're probably my favourites.  This guy is my spirit animal!!! We can all take a leaf out of his book, he's my screensaver now ❤ These two were intrigued by each other.  Yesterday really was the ideal day to go, sunny and warm so all the animals were out enjoying it and because it was a Friday it wasn't packed with families (or people at all). Watched big cats sunbathing and the funny looking bird on the right running around, seemingly following people who walked past :D  Happiest day in a while!!  I like to dress according to occasion and of course wanted to match 🐆 Hi little friend! Nice coat 😍 They're introducing new animals in certain areas, I don't know what kind of animal le blob is though????? These pigs (can't remember their actual name...) were thought extinct for over a 1000 years, until 1971 when someone found living ones 😮 now they're pushing to be put in to more zoos around the world so that they can eventually be re introduced to the wild. Go little pigs, go!!  Love the animals obviously, but the park is really beautiful flora-wise too.  One of the big glass panes by the wolves was broken in to a thousand pieces (there was just a piece of wood put up in its place until it can be replaced), the map told us that we were here, and so were the wolves 😱 Hi wolf, please don't jump out through the loosely put up wooden bit.  Finished our visit in the big greenhouse, looked at bats, stroked big green leaves. An amazing Friday with my man. ❤