This Tuesday started in the best possible way: I snuck up by myself, poured a cup of coffee, put some stuff for the week into the calendar and read an exciting book.  Checked in on all my planties, as I do every day. Amazing how well they're all coping with winter, just look at these humongous avocado leaves!  I read this exciting page turner of a book a few months ago, but because it was a Swedish book I couldn't just pop to the shop and pick up the next two 🙁 but! When we went to Stockholm over Christmas I found them both in my favourite second hand store!! Unfortunately not in soft back as I had hoped though so had to carry these two bricks back to Paris along with another 20 kg's of packing, hehe. Oops. Happy to say that book nr 2 was just as good as the first, and one week in to the new year I've already finished 1 out of my 30 to read this year! Who else here uses goodreads? I've become hooked!  We've introduced oat milk to our household this year, at the moment I'm actually preferring it to normal cows milk..! Creamy, easy to fluff, an almost slightly sweet note. Yum. Should add that I only ever drink milk in my coffee, never otherwise.  After I'd finished my book I woke Duncan up and fed him poached egg on toast.  And headed to work! In black fluff and a gold bag. Felt like a good Tuesday look :))))  Played with the kids in the park for most of the afternoon, got to meet a little new born baby girl (3 days old) and had an all round nice workday.  Came home and had curry on the brain - we had paneer in the fridge so I went to town! One of the best curries I've made possibly?? Was stoked about this. Was also inspired by Linda who made curry in bulk the other night and now have two containers in the fridge đŸ™ŒHad PRINT written on my hand in smudgy blue ink, needed to remember to stop by the print shop for a ticket that I'll be needing tomorrow night.. doing something I'm looking VERY much forward to, more about that then!!