It's still very hot in Paris, not as bad as when it got up to 36 degrees, but still.. missing living close to the water right now! Many breaks for refreshment are needed throughout the day 👌 This popped up the other day, bubble run with American Kat! Fun times, can't believe it's already been 4 years though...!!  The other night I went over to Linda's for catch up and hot dogs! I never have hot dogs at home, and I'm not sure why? With the right toppings it's sooo yummy. And easy!  Kat was there too ❤ I wore a hamburger-top in lack of a hot dog one, and was very excited as you can see. Hehehe. 🌭🌭🌭 When I left, I took Neil the prayer plant with me! He's staying with me while Linda is out of town. I promised to send planty updates...  Here he is, on a metro adventure.  Yesterday he helped me with work stuff all afternoon, what a hero!  And this morning he chilled on the bed with a nice cup of coffee :)))  Finishing with this bit of bragging, hehehe. Came in number one in both the bronze and silver league, next goal is gold!! ✨Now I need to get ready to head out, we've got bankers & accountants on this afternoons schedule. Send encouraging thoughts please 🙏❤