The past couple of nights American Kat has been staying with us, she heads back to Germany tomorrow, but until then she's on our couch. We've talked about getting a new sofa for a while now, but have kept putting it off. It wasn't until Kat went to bed and I felt the fear of her ending up on the floor that I realised that it really was time for a new one. The next day, when we moved the old one, two legs came flying off and half of a carrying plank crashed to the floor as well... oops.  We spent the morning on Le bon coin, D. wanted to go and try different ones and make an educated decision after that - I just wanted to get it over with. Finally we found one for 30 euros, the person selling it lived 10 minutes away from ours so it felt like a sign. Duncan and I headed over, test-sat and test-laid then rolled it home! For a while our living room looked like this, felt like we suddenly had a little dance floor at home 💃 not a super practical way of keeping things though...  Finally, we got our new baby in! Draped it in purple fuzz and it felt like it had always been there. It's softer than our old one, slightly deeper, slightly higher and with two proper arm rests - which I LOVE. I think we're going to have lots of cosy movie & reading nights together.  Folded it out for Kat and decided that it's time to get rid of our Christmas tree: Chris Pine 😢 I've looked up spots where you can drop them off and tomorrow he's moving out. Thanks Chris for this year, it's been real.  Then Kat went out for drinks with a friend and I went for a burger and a basil gimlet at Moose!  One year ago I was hanging out with this little black blob of love 💕💕💕Hope you're having a good Friday guys, on Monday reality kicks in again! (I start work again, if I'm being completely honest though I'm really looking forward to it 😊)