I remember when I was maybe 10 years old, and dad and I came to Paris for one of my school holidays. Some of my clearest memories from that trip are 1. when my 101 Dalmatians-wallet with 100 francs in it was stolen in the Eiffel tower (WHO steals from a kid????) 2. that I was allowed to get as many pains au chocolat as I wanted, as long as I went up and ordered them myself (one by one, in French) and 3. when we spent hours (maybe it wasn't hours, but I remember it as numerous lovely, tranquil hours) in Notre Dame. Dad wandering around taking in the surroundings, me sitting down with a sketchbook. I used to love drawing and dreamt of becoming Gene Kelly's character in An American in Paris.. when dad came over to see what I had drawn he laughed out loud, he thought I'd been sketching the stained glass window or the high impressive ceiling, but I was drawing tourists :') Now Notre Dame is in flames. It's so incredibly sad.