Last night Linda came over for dinner, yes Linda is back in Paris!! YAY! We had a thai inspired noodle dish (I've mentioned it before but Linda is vegan, which gives me a bit of a challenge every Sunday when we have dinner together, I love the inspiration that it brings!), a couple of glasses of wine and just chatted about everything that has been going on in our lives. So good to have her back <3 (pic cred to Linda :)))) After she left I took a warm shower with eucalyptus oil and sniffed my hair a bit. I treated myself to fancy shampoo and conditioner (Aussie, gotta love aussie <3) the other day and it feels like it's already done my hair a world of good! Also: a few drops of eucalyptus oil in the shower is amazing if you've got a cold! Tip of the day, you're welcome :)))  Today the alarm went off before the sun was up, something I'm not sure that I'll ever get used to (or like). Once I get past that initial get my head off the pillow-stage it's ok though, as long as I've prepped for the day in advance (organised breakfast, put out clothes etc). Anyway, I hopped off to meet my first little one and we started our day in the park, where it was just the two of us for a good half hour. Nice.  I tried to look awake and the little one wielded around the shovel like a little sword fighter. In park number two of the day the roses were in bloom! Pretty. Autumn is treating is so well in Paris at the moment. It has that perfect chill and kind of pale sunlight. Mmm.  In park number three of the day we found a cat! Very exciting stuff for everyone involved!  A long, but very nice day with all three of my little kids. Now I'm home, sitting on the couch about to have dinner and turn on the tv. Good Monday!  How has your week started?