Not only will a theme tell what your book is about

This person's job is to weed out manuscripts that do not fit certain established submission criteria.. Unlike a working title that may change to something else entirely different or even several times before a manuscript is finished, a theme shouldn’t change during the course of your writing. It may not come the first day, or even the first week. However, many never make it to the Passenger lifts Manufacturers editor's desk, simply because they are badly disorganized and downright incoherent. Not only will a theme tell what your book is about, it also serves to hold your book together. It is what keeps you from rambling all over the place, and if you should stray, it is what can bring you back — if you keep it in front of you.In large publishing houses, many manuscripts penned by first-time authors, never make it past the "first reader" who for all practical purposes is a gatekeeper of sorts. It may become more obvious during the writing process, but I advise writers to spend serious time developing their theme so that they are clear about the message they are trying to convey,