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Most of the time, the older generation skis, while theyounger generation snowboards. Snowboarding seems more as a competitive sport thanskiing, because when you ski it is more relaxing and slow paced. When snowboarding all you have CNC Tool Holder Pull Stud Manufacturers is one bigboard that is attached to both of your feet, and you are going sideways downthe mountain. Snowboarderstend to go off big jumps and do a lot of tricks while the skiers stay groundedmost of the time, but not always.. It is much easier to get up after a fall when you are snowboarding. When skiing, you have two boards(one for both feet) and two poles (one for both hands). When you snowboard you only have your hands to catchyourself but your legs will be more bound.They are both fun, but a lot different than each other.When you compare skiing and snowboarding you have to takeevery aspect of the two wholesale CNC Machine into consideration. Skiing is the safer of the two because of thefact that your legs are separated and you have two poles to help keep yourselfup. There are more snowboarding competitions thanthere are skiing ones. When skiing, you are always moreupright but when snowboarding you have to be more crouched down to helpbalance. When you ski the boards and the poles help in keeping yourselfbalanced while going down the hill, but when you snowboard you have to balanceyourself because your feet are not as free. You ski with your bodygoing straight down the mountain