
Det &auml;r jag som &auml;r Hanna och det h&auml;r &auml;r min blogg. Jag gillar m&auml;nniskor, kinder&auml;gg, att resa, att &aring;ka br&auml;da, kokosn&ouml;tter, surf, smilegropar, fuldans, &ouml;l, halloumiost, eng&aring;ngskameror, kreativitet, mango, smilegropar, pesto, friterad banan, Lotta Lundgren, &auml;ventyr, och spontanitet. obs listan kan g&ouml;ras l&aring;ng. “Love the life you live. Live the life you love.” &#8213; Bob Marley *                                                Width =2000; // ange bredden p&aring; sidan som ska sn&ouml;as in... Height =2000; // ange h&ouml;jden p&aring; sidan som ska sn&ouml;as in... Count =25; // antal sn&ouml;flingor OBS! ange inte f&ouml;r stort antal! MaxStep=3; // max steg i r&ouml;relsen MinStep=1; // min steg i r&ouml;relsen MaxFlake=10; // max storlek p&aring; sn&ouml;flinga MinFlake=4; // min storlek p&aring; sn&ouml;flinga PosX = new Array(); PosY = new Array(); StepX = new Array(); StepY = new Array(); StarSize=new Array(); for (i = 0; i < Count; i++) { PosX[i] = Math.random()*Width; PosY[i] = Math.random()*Height; StepX[i] =MinStep+Math.random()* -MaxStep; StepY[i] =MinStep+Math.random()* MaxStep; StarSize[i]=MinFlake+Math.random() * MaxFlake; document.write("•"); } function animate() { for (i = 0; i < Count; i++) { PosY[i] += StepY[i]; PosX[i] += StepX[i]; document.getElementById("Obj"+i).style.visibility = "visible"; if (PosY[i] > Width || PosX[i] > Height || PosX[i]