My cup of tea

My booker just told me I'm going to Wisconsin on sunday for a job on monday.  So I´m spending the evening cleaning up my nails from nail polish, from shows I had earlier this week during fashion week. At the same time I'm watching the new episodes of Orange is the new black. I spent the whole day out today so it is nice to get a calm evening at home. As usual I want something sweet after dinner, and normally I like to have a bowl with a little bit of everything I have at home. This time I made a bowl of fresh orange, dried mango and mulberry, almonds, a chopped proteinbar, oats and chocolate sauce (coconut oil+cacao+cinnamon).  Of course I added a lot more toppings and chocolate sauce after the picture was taken hehe.. Toppings is everything! Can't complain about my view, Sometimes New York really can be beautiful...