Staying longer

Our plan was to stay in Kyoto until the end of march and then go to Hiroshima for two, three days before we fly to Seoul. However, the prices for hotels and hostels has increased a lot. There is nothing cheap for our dates and the only hotels that are alright are about 40 km from the city center. So, we decided to prolong our stay here in Kyoto by a few days and stay here in our apartment.  It sucks that we can't go to Hiroshima, I really wanted to see that city. But, instead we've decided to do some exploring in Kyoto. After all, we haven't really got time to explore due to the work we've had. This weekend we will probably go to a bambu forest and maybe also the famous castle in Kyoto. Hopefully we'll get some good pics for you! A few days ago the weather was on top so we went for a stroll and ended up in a mall. It's fun to just walk around, browsing in shops. We had dinner at a pub (I had carbonara and a glass of wine) and it was really cosy to eat out for once.  I can't believe how fast time goes.. Before I started to travel like we do, I liked when time went fast. I always lived ahead and never in the now. Now, I really don't like when time flies. I want it to go slow so that I have time to see everything I want to see before we come back home. Talking of time – we're actually leaving Japan in just 10 days (!!). We're spending one week in Seoul and I am sooooo excited! I've been wanting to go to South Korea for many years, mostly because one of my favourite movies – Brotherhood of War (Tae Guk Gi), but also because it seems so cool. And I really look forward to the Bibimbap! (South Korean main course). Hey! Please leave some comments below if you're reading the blog! It's so fun when you comment and maybe you have some requests of what I should write about? Take care now <3 Loving Japan!