Celebration of my menstruation

I posted this on my instagram as well, but with a shorter text. To remove the stigma around this subject, that we are so conditioned by from centuries back and how society since we were small has told us it is something ”bad” or ”disgusting” to menstruate as a woman - I’m trying to make a change regarding this subject. This is MY LIFE FORCE coming our of fabulous vagina. A fluid my body created with hard work and energy, filled with steam cells, high levels of iron, calcium and more - lets celebrate that my body is able to keep up with my true nature as a woman. Let’s also celebrate all men who is cherishing their women in their power during there menses. Helping them to nourish themselves, supporting with their presence and giving love and understanding. Before in my life I used to force myself to the planned activities I already had planned even though my period made a visit. I solved my cramps with some pain killers and went on with my day. Now I really try to listen to my body - to rest my first and maybe even second day of my period. Doing thing I love to do just for me. I try to be one with the cramps instead of killing them with pills. Trying to feel into why my body shows me different sensations and emotions. A few days ago when my period arrived I honored myself for the powerful women I am. With walking around in my house painted with my blood naked surrounded by my man. I have placed my blood around my third eye to connect with my ancestors deep in my roots, allowing them to give me more understanding in my journey. I also painted my man to connect on an even deeper level. Best part is that he was the one asking me to do it. Later that day we were invited to a friends pool party. So we thought to just make a small visit and then watch the sunset. And he insisted for us to keep the blood in our foreheads. First I thought, no, really? Then people will ask about it. And he looked at me as a big question mark saying - well, so? So, we kept it there for the rest of the night. Very empowering to have such a powerful man by my side, who is honoring me to the fullest. At the moment I am also reading a book about the cultural history around menstruation, lots of studies regarding the subject and how we have been conditioned since centuries back. Im also doing research around the topic from big speakers, scientist and reading studies. This is really a subject I want to speak more about and teach more awareness around. So cool to read the history of how you have looked at menstruation in different tribes around the world. No wonder our views looks like they do !p&k