I can feel that I am in the exact right place, in the exact right moment...

Heeeeey guys!!Wow... never ending reading these days. But magnificent reading. So it is all good!  :) <3  The ones of your who is frequently following me, for sure knows about the course I am about to do in about 2,5 weeks now. I am in Thailand. Mentally preparing myself for a massive deep dive within.  There is a lot of preparations due to the course start. Books to read, different kinds of lecture to watch before. Audio books and lectures. Different forms of sheets with questions to self reflect. Sheets with questions to send to your best friends, ex-partners, family and so on.  This is so much more than just a retreat/program/course. Or what every you want to call it - i am not sure. A journey! During all of these preparations I have already come to so many insights about myself. About my surrounding. Been able to see situations from other perspectives. Been able to analyze happenings from angels I didn’t think was possible. And I means, the program hasn’t even started jet, and I already feel I have opened up for a new version of myself. And these different forms that we are sending to our friends, past lovers and family. Such an interesting add on. I will be so curious to read the answers, how they see me, and how they think it would be beneficial for me to work on myself to work through my blockages, to hear their view of my shadows and so on. I have asked many people and truly asked them to be as honest as possible. I mean, there is no point if the try to sugar coat it. I am doing this cause I want to grow. For one assignment there was also an option for the people who answered the questions to send it straight to my teacher, if it was too intimidating to send directly to me. But I hope they will dare to let me see it. I am welcoming their truth. And I really believe it will just make the relationship more potent and powerful.  I am so happy that I am doing this for myself. I mean. This is something everyone on this planet should do. Maybe exactly this program doesn’t resonate with everyone - but one thing is for sure - that in one way or another, if we don’t keep on working with ourself to open up and become more aware we will not live this lifetime to it’s fullest potential. And it feels like a waste to not discover our full potential when we have the possibility to do so.  The social structures in todays society is definitely not supportive in the way of letting us think for ourself. Various programs getts applied into our mind during our life and if we don't stop to question it all, how can we be sure that these are really your own thoughts an beliefs?  I am in the mood to forgive, to surrender, to let go, to allow my opening to happen naturally. But I can already feel myself blossom in a very harmonious way. Before I felt very nervous and scared to do this intimidating course, but I start to become more at peace with it. It will be challenging in a good way. And I mean, it’s all free of choice - and I choose that I am willing to make this step for myself. I can feel that I am in the exact right place, in the exact right moment. I am starting to understand what love really is. How to live more full. What life is all about. So far, I am so grateful for this opportunity in life to do this course, I believe it will be my best spent money so far. Helping myself on the path of evolution - is the greatest of gifts for me.I am beyond happy to have met Justine, which will forever be one of my biggest mentors and friends, who have already helped me to get out of some of my biggest self blockages.  This is out of love I am sharing this. I am paying for this course like everybody else. It is important for me that you all know that.But I know there is one spot left for the program which starts the 15th of January. And if you are in the space of needing a big shift in your life - maybe this post was universe way of giving you a helping hand and a direction. I just want to help Justine to fill the last spot <3 Because this is something to experience for sure. Maybe you would think that it is too late for you to manage all the pre-course material. But there have once before been someone signing up 1 week prior to the program. So it is all possible.  Maybe it is time to make a jump to live fuller? You can read more about the program on her website HERE. And if you are interested in the spot you can email Justine on this email [email protected] is another post where I am writing about the program <3