The power of Manifestations

What you focus on expands. If you focus on negative thought - you will make them take more space in your life. And that's not really what we want right? If you focus on your goals, what you want to change in a positive direction that instead takes up more room and expands. Also. Have your said out loud what you want in your life? Do you know what you want? What is your goals? Where do you see yourself in the future? What is your vision of yourself? I try to stop up in life every now and then to really get clear of what I want. Cause if I don't even know what I want, how will powerful forces of universe know what you want? Impossible. You need to get clear of where you want to go - then say it out loud. Write it down. read it through. Repeat it over and over again. To put your real focus on where to strive towards. Since I started sending out my wishes to the universe my wishes has just become reality one after one. Maybe it sound hard to believe but it is really true. I think its a mix of universe helps you with your path combined that you actually know where you are going so unconsciously you are striving towards that direction. A good example is for a long while ago, after I had a long period of getting over a past love - I came to a point in my life when I was done processing and I was longing for love. I also had a long learning period of a new subject in life, and I didnt know what to do with all of it. How should I package my new knowledge into something that works in my life, how will I work with these new angles in life. So I was a bit lost. I were in Sri Lankas at the moment and I didnt feel comfortable with being there, I wanted something else. So, I sat down. Did a smaller ritual for myself, writing down what I wanted help with - that I needed some signs to know in which direction I should go to, I asked for love - extreme mutual passion and exploring with a new partner. Next day information about a new course came up in another country, it was just a few days until it started and way to expensive for me, but I emailed them anyway to check the availability. They had one more spot for a woman and they gave me half price cause they needed equal numbers for men and women - meant to be I though. Booked my flight. First thing is that I met this man who I started a long passionated journey with. What I didn't know was that you have to be as specific as possible while you manifest. I asked for passion - this is what I got. It was lacking of a lot of other important matters that is necessary in a love relationship. I went to this course where also my current working partner attended. There we got very deep into a sister-relationship together and discovered that we had the same dream in life - to work with women, with sexuality, with removing blockades and traumas that is blocking you to be your fully self. And there our journey started. And how fast my manifestation worked out - incredible! The pictures from above is from last year in Koh Phangan when I was going through a period of self nourishing, studying and focusing on my goals in life. I did different kinds of breath works, workshops and my own meditations to really put together manifestations for my future. What do I want? What partner are I looking for? What qualities do I want him/her to have? How do I want to feel in this persons surrounding? And so on. I wrote a big list of what typ of love I called into my life. And now.. One year later I have met someone with exactly these details I asked for. It almost feels strange that he appeared and when I started to think back to what I asked universe for. When you know what you want you attract the same to come into your life. When I expressed this to my partner he told me he did exactly the same for some months ago. He also sat down and wrote down a long list of what I wanted in his next partner to explore love and life with. And that I was exactly what he manifested. Isn't that crazy? Or just magical! That we manifested each other! So powerful and strong. I get shivers just by thinking of this. Also in my last reading I had with my dear friend Daisy who is an astrologist - she told med months before I met Manu, that exactly around those dates in the beginning of January (around the 4th - 7th) I will meet someone important regarding love. And I though "hmmm, jaja, I will be in Arambol so that doesn't sound very possible". I forgot about it completely and then I met Manu the 6th of January. If you want to read more about her and hew powers click HERE. She will also have a workshop in June in Sweden which I will post about soon - I really recommend you to go if you are interested in learning more about astrology and how its connected to your life path. SO GUYS!! Get sure of what you want! Say it out loud ! Write it down. Remind yourself where you want to go! Let yourself know! Let your surrounding know! Let universe know - and it will help u get there quicker than you think!p&k