22nd Birthday!So peeps, I promised to make a post about dropping my 22nd year. So as I said birthdays are very very happy days for me and this one was over the top happy, but it still frightens me. That is because, for example, when I'm 21 I think "oh I have plenty of time to do this, plenty of time to achieve that" and so on, but on your birthday you realize another year has been added and it came quick as hell. So then you realize that these years add up very quickly and you actually do not have as much time as you thought you have at one point and it really really scares me. Even if there is nothing I can do on this very second to improve my condition for the one I want it to be, I still feel anxious. I am afraid to get old I guess and feel I didn't get all I wanted but I shouldn't be, never too late for anything on the other hand. And I am still 22 after all. But note the card Laura & Nico gave me "Don't grow up, it's a trap!", that is so true haha! Talking about cool and funny housemates..my birthday was so fun thanks to them! On the right day we had cake and wine and the next day we had a tiny houseparty with beerpong and drinks and such good snacks. (Laura the self-made popcorn was perfect on the second try, thanks again! xx) I am so grateful to have those people living with me, they make my studies and distance from friends & family & Joonas so much better that I never feel sad coming back here from home. I have two wondeful places to be at in both countries so I am so blessed! Having housemates as friends is such a luck! And finally I would like to thank alll the people for their birthday wishes and lovely words! I couldn't get a smile off my face even when I fell asleep I think haha, so grateful for all of it and my 22nd birthday will be so memorable! Hugs n' kisses to you all! <3