Today before I went to bed I was laying and thinking about the future. What I wanted to do and who I wanted to be. The thing is that I thought about me and only me, what do I want and how do I want my life to look like. I started to wonder about our world, the wars, Trump and most of all the environment. Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about kids, I think this whole childcare profession is making me think a lot about kids. Do I really want kids in the future? Is that something for me? I haven’t realized it until today why I’ve asked myself these questions because I’m a woman. It’s in my nature to want children, to raise them and to carry them. With everything happening in this world I’m starting to think, is this the reason I don’t want children? Because I don’t want to bring them up in this world? This world with so many faults and misfortunes.  I realized that everything we do today and every decision we make today will not only give us consequences, but our children will suffer our stupidity and the fact that some people still choose to turn their cheeks the other way really upsets me. Climate change is happening. Trump is happening. War is happening and just because you might not live in the middle of it or suffer direct consequences doesn’t mean that you can ignore it. Because no matter what, we will leave this planet to our children and it will be destroyed. Since moving to the US and New York I’ve seen some of the most stupid things. Like plastic wrapped apples in plastic bags. Or why not dubble the plastic bags when grocery shopping? The other day I met this really lovely, inspiring young woman from Germany who saw the future. The future of sustainable packages. No more plastic, no more waste, please. The earth is begging you to bring something else when shopping. I find it funny when I meet these people who are so passionated about the environment and everything thats happening. These people will save the world one day. Screw the superhero, an environmentalists is my superhero. New York is different in some way, they get it. They’re trying. But every time I speak about the environment with someone I meet there are things we have in Sweden that does not exist in other countries, like Pant. If you’re not from Sweden and you don’t know what Pant is, google it. I’m proud to call my self Swedish here, because honestly Swedish people care. They care more about the environment, they care more about their children and most of all they are actually ready to made a change, at least a few of us. Sweden raised me and that’s why I can see these things. Some people in the USA still thinks Climate Change is some make believe, something people only imagine. But hey, imagine this, your children growing up without a planet. We need to raise each other up. Like Greta Thunberg does.  The world needs some hope, it needs some guidance and some knowledge about this. We need to come up with solutions and we definitely don’’t need to discuss rather climate change is real or not. It is real, it is happening and we’re living in a generation that needs to change. Every small thing you do, counts. You don’t need that plastic straw, you don’t need that plastic bag, you don’t need that Nutella filled with palm oil and you definitely can’t ignore this.  So the question still stands, do I really want to bring up children in this world? Not in this stage, but it’s not too late to make a change. We just need to guidance and someone to lift us up. If the climate can change, so can we. Here are a few thing YOU can do to make a change: - Spread awareness about the problem  - Shop Second hand or Vintage  - Do a meatless day  - Do a dairy-free day  - Take the train on vacation instead of the plane  - Bring your own bags to the grocery store - Don’t take that plastic straw on Starbucks  - Buy organic But honestly the most important thing right now is to realize, acknowledge that this is happening right now and be ready to make a change. We humans are made to develop during time, we grow, we learn and from our misstakes we make changes. Rome wasn’t build on a day, so we can’t save the earth in a day. But just as the romans we can start somewhere, so let’s rebuild our earth with the power of knowledge and let’s raise each other up. If the climate can change, so can we.  Thank you - Therese Frank