... Things I do to get inspired.

When taking design from being a hobby to being my jobb, still getting exited saying that, there was one mayor thing I noticed. The creativity has to be flowing at al times. Earlier when i wasn't that inspired I just accepted it and didnt think about it that much. Then when I felt inspired again I just went with the flow and had loads of ideas for both fun design projects and blog posts. But when you work full time as a designer you can´t just wait the dry patches out. So here are some tips on how I get inspired. Embracing my inner night owl My best work has been done in the dark of the night. I always feel ten times more inspired at night. I think it has a lot to do with that in the day I have so many more things i my head, like school work och chores that have to get done. While at night its just me and the computer. Most of my ideas for blog posts come at night and then I just stock up on a few. For example as Im writing this post its 01:40 at night.As long as you still manage to get up at time the next day to det to what needs t get done you´re fine. Including design in al aspects of my life Since I study economics and interior, a lot of my friends have an interest for design too. The fact that I study interior means that my friends are interested in al different kinds of design , and I think its important to draw inspiration from several aspects of design not just the design in your field. Then I follow like minded designers on social media both for inspiration and finding role models. See the beauty in everyday thingsInspiration is everywhere you just have to look. I am lucky to have an office in town so when my brain feels empty I pop down to town, get something to drink and either walk around or sit by the square and people watch. You can find inspiration literally anywhere, in the pattern in the cobble stone of the shape of and old ladys purse. Look back at your old workLook back at your old design work and draw inspiration from there. This will help to set your style too, but be careful to not just make a copy of something you've already done. WorkoutWhen Im working out, either at the gym or outside, I let myself not think of things I have to get done. Because the thing is  I cant do them right then and there anyway. Clearing my mind like that lets me think about more random stuff and then those thoughts sometimes turn into new ideas. Plus exercise gives you energy with makes you more productive later.