
  Hey guys! (not that anyone knows of this blog yet but...)   So this is my new blog, I was recently on blogg.se (click it, and you'll be redirected to my old blog) but I have now switched domain as I've noticed that blogg.se was really laggy and buggy and it even slowed down my whole computer. So now I have changed to devote and I hope this will work better than the last (since I want to share my photographs and so on with you!)  I will keep my old blog up though if some of you want to look through my old pictures and so (if it doesn't lag all to much of course.)   So go ahead and tell my what you think of this layout or whatever you want to call it, I've changed it about a hundred times already before settling with this for now. I think I'll go ahead and actually take some photos specifically for the blog header later but at the time, I'm too busy with school. I shouldn't even be making a blog right now to be honest but I wanted to have this done by the time I go on summer break.    On Sunday, me and one of my best friends Malin will be going to Stockholm to see a Southkorean pop group perform live, so you'll probably see some pictures from that. You will not get any pictures from the actual concert though because it's forbidden to taking photographs during the concert, but I'll probably take some pictures before and after so look forward to that!   I want be writing much more now, I'll just upload these pictures from the end of the semester get together (?) at the Scouts from Wednesday. You'll have to excuse me, I don't know what it's accurately called in English.