Upcoming (food) trip!

Hello unitards! This post is pretty much just to inform my friend(s) about an upcoming trip we're planning on doing so there's rellay not much for you here unless you thrive of off watching food videos and pictures! I know no one reads my blog but if I didn't make it clear what this post is for I fucking bet someone would read my blog and be like 'tf u doing'   So me and Ida will take the SGS Bussen (XD) to Stockholm, idk about the others yet. People attending: 1. Me 2. Malin 3. Elin 4. Ida   5. Helén 6. Sofia 7. Sofia's bf might be joining if he stops playing videogames 8. Ida's friend 9. Friend 1 of Malin 10. Friend 2 of Malin   Confirmed / 99% confirmed / Not yet asked   There are 4 foods we're all pretty much agreed on that is the most important to try. OBS! Everyone will be buying at least 1 dish and will share it with the rest of the group, this way everyone gets to try something new and exciting instead of just 1 thing. We'll have our own "little" buffét^^ Every link will be opened in a new window.   No. 1 is Kkanppoonggi aka ??? 195kr Friterad kycklingfilé i chosås med pinjenötter Deep fried chicken in cho sauce   No. 2 is Samgyeopsal aka ????? 215kr per person Skivad sidfläsk (naturell) Plain sliced pork belly (There's also an alternative where the pork belly has been marinated in chili and garlic which is 10kr more expensive.)     No. 3 is Bulgogi aka ??? 245kr per person Strimlad entrecote (svenskt) i traditionell marinad Shredded entrecote in traditional marinade (Link for video)   No. 4 is Mandu aka ??? 195kr (there's a cheaper version as well but it's listed as a appetizer.) Stekta koreanska degknyten i chili- och vinägersås Steamed and fried Korean dumplings (Link for video)     Other dishes that people are interested in:    Shabu shabu ???? 255kr Entrecote (svenskt) och färska grönsaker i gryta Entrecote and fresh vegetables in pot (Link for video)   Kimchi Jjigae ???? 185kr Kimchigryta med sidfläsk och tofu Kimchi pot with pork and tofu (Link for video)     Vegetarian options:   Tofu kimchi ???? 165kr Stekt kimchi med tofu och sesamolja Stir-fried kimchi with tofu and sesame oil   Grönsakstempura ???? 165kr Friterade grönsaker Deep fried vegetables   Vegetarisk Bibimbab ????? 165kr Marinerade grönsaker Marinated vegetables   Vegetarisk Jabche ?? 165kr Stekta koreanska nudlar med shitakesvamp och grönsaker Fried noodles with Shitake mushrooms and vegetables   OBS! If you choose a vegetarian dish, then it's only yours and no one else will eat from it. This also means that you don't get to eat anything else either, as that means the others will "lose money".          The date is not yet set, but when we do actually go there we'll meet at T-Centralen and take "tuben" to Nam Kang at Birger Jarlsgatan. I can currently not provide which line we're supposed to take because some app difficulties but I will inform you all later.  This will most likely be updated later but feel free to ask me if there's anything you're wondering about!