International shipping in Los Angeles

OK, last week I told you guys that, for a while, I was working in International shipping in Los Angeles. No big deal, I thought. I mean, we all have our passed, right? The fact that I worked in Los Angeles, with international shipping, is not really something that I think of every day. Although, interestingly enough, many of you seem to think that this is incredibly interesting. Since I promised myself to never let you down, I guess I’ll have to spend another post about this. So, here we go again, folks; My International shipping days in Los Angeles.Let’s go back from the beginning. How come a 20-year old person from Montana ends up in the city of stars? I barely remember now. I met an old class mate that visited our home town and we had a coffee, as I recall it. He asked what I was doing, and I wasn’t doing much. He told me that he lived in Los Angeles and worked in international shipping. That didn’t say anything to me by then, and I guess my facial expression revealed that. So he told me what it was like, both living in Los Angeles and working in international shipping.I was hooked, right away. Mostly because of Los Angeles of course, but also international shipping. It sounded cool. I don’t know what specific thing I thought sounded cool but it just did. “Take me with you” I said. I looked at me and seemed surprise. “What? You want to move to Los Angeles to do international shipping? What about the scholarship? What about painting and pursuing your dreams and…”I stopped him there. I told him that moving to Los Angeles had always been a dream, and that international shipping didn’t really matter. I could do anything, I just wanted to get out. When he actually called back a few days later and said he had gotten me a room and also job, I got nervous. I was pretty sure I’d love Los Angeles but how what was international shipping even? Would I like it or hate it? It turned out that it was a perfect match for me.I still think about what would have happened in my life if we never met that day.