Which Radiology Degree is Right For You?

You've decided that you want to pursue a radiology degree, but can't determine which degree level is going to get you the job you want? From a certificate all the way up to a PhD, hopefully this article will provide you with the basics on what you get from each degree level in the field of radiology. It is important to understand that working in radiology requires that you meet state requirements in order to practice. In fact, 38 states currently have laws which require that you become licensed in order to operate equipment that emits radiation. The states that do not currently have licensing requirements may also have less stringent education and certification requirements in order to get a job. This article will primarily speak to those who will be working in the 38 states that do require that you get licensed. Employers are looking for those who have completed some kind of formal education and who are both licensed and certified through the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). In order to qualify for certification, you must complete an academic program that is recognized by an accrediting body called JRCERT ( Joint Review Committee for Education of Radiologic Technologists). Radiology Certificate Programs If you want to take the quickest route to landing a job in radiology, completing a certificate program could be your best option; however, there are pro's and con's to going with a certificate rather than an associates degree. For example, if you are planning on pursuing a bachelor's or even a masters degree in radiology in the future, completing a certificate or diploma program, as some colleges refer to them, could be problematic when the time comes to pursue a higher level degree. Sometimes certificate program courses will not translate into credits than can be used towards these more traditional degree programs. This is something to take into consideration and Radiologie Paris some forward thinking about your career. While certificate programs can be appealing due to the lower cost associated with them and the small time commitment, they also have drawbacks. You will want to be sure that the certificate program you are enrolling in will prepare you to take certification exams and to fulfill licensing requirements in your state. Radiology Associates Degree Pursing an associates degree in radiology is the most common route to becoming a Radiologic Technologist. Completing an associates degree also sets the foundation for further education, which will come in handy later in your career. If you have aspirations of becoming the Director of your Medical Imaging Facility, Lead Radiologic Technologist, or a trainer, you will most likely need a bachelor's degree. If you opted to obtain a certificate in order to get into the field, you may find yourself back tracking in order to complete a bachelor's degree in radiology.