My deepest apologies!

No, I did not forget about you guys. But here's the thing, when I decided to start bloging again I changed the password to my devote account and when I wanted to sign on about two days after my last post I just couldn't remember it. BUT today it came to me like a lightning from a clear sky so heya folks, I'm back! Once Again! Haha. What have you been up to lately? And please, pretty please please come with some suggestions of what you would like to see on the blog. It's OUR blog remember, a FANblog. A blog for fans, by fans! So feel free to send me emails at [email protected] about what you would like to see and read about. Does that sound good? Hmm I'm just gonna go ahead and assume that you're all nodding your heads as we speak. Well, I'll be back with the latest in the Mando world before you know it!