Wide awake

As I've grown and matured, I've come to realize the immense value of family. Looking back, during those chaotic times, I struggled to fully grasp the wisdom of your teachings. If only I had understood earlier. I deeply regret not recognizing your worth and instead choosing to follow someone I believed had my best interests at heart. It turns out that she embodies exactly the qualities you warned me about. I wholeheartedly apologize for that. Nonetheless, your teachings have remained ingrained within me all this time. My love for you, my brother, is unwavering. I take pride in my decision to sever ties while maintaining inner peace. However, I must admit that resisting the temptation to harbor hatred was incredibly challenging, as you taught me.  Although I don't believe she truly acknowledges the extent of the harm she caused me, I refuse to hold onto hatred. It was a time in my life when I was at my lowest, and you needed me the most, yet I couldn't be there. Despite that, I have gained profound knowledge and realized my ability to prioritize peace over animosity. I have come to understand that not many people have overcome similar obstacles and developed such emotional strength. It is undoubtedly a blessing, but there are moments when it can also be frustrating. How can you explain to someone the importance of choosing peace over hatred? It's something that one has to experience firsthand to truly grasp its significance. Even amidst the circumstances, my admiration for the unyielding foundation of our family remains unwavering. We embody a rare combination of genuine purity and unwavering honesty. No one has exemplified these qualities to the extent that my family has. As Nagato wisely said, "Sometimes you must hurt in order to know, fall in order to grow, lose in order to gain, because life's greatest lessons are learned through pain."