a thick line between meme and me-poem by Sudeep Adhikari

The meme-osphere is chock-full of over-quoted bukowski and few orwells telling us how we have been dumbed down by our political-industrial complex not to have a free thinking of our own, and hyper-sensitized we,   too naive to realize that being told to have a free thinking by someone else is also a second-order dumbing down bulllshit. But I am just going to leave all these dead prophets aside (with all my mad love of course), because I can't let them cock-block me from myself anymore.  Sudeep Adhikari is a structural engineer/Lecturer from Kathmandu, Nepal.  His recent publications were with Beatnik Cowboys, Chiron Review, The Ekphrastic Review, Midnight Lane Boutique, Occulum, Silver Birch Press, Eunoia Review, Utt Poetry and Spilling Cocoa Over Martin Amis. .  Poem by Sudeep Adhikari Drawing by Janne Karlsson