How do you go about picking the right color

Some will have blue or lavender tones, others may have green or even a hint of pink. Stay away from choosing colors that are deep or rich. So before you go, consider these steps to choosing the right color for you. If you prefer a cooler, airy look - chrome, glass and shades of icy blue - then select gray tones. So where do you start? How do you go about picking the right color? My first suggestion would be to go with a tinted neutral color. You don't want a startling effect nor do you want to date the room. I know it's an added trip you'll have to make but what better location to make your decision than from the comfort of home? Picking and painting your rooms with your choice of color will bring you the results your looking for and a sense of accomplishment when you see the finished product. Now, If all of Fabric Manufacturers guidelines only further confuse you, you can simply go to the paint store and pick up as many different color chips as you like, bring them home and make your decision there.Are you still thinking about a color for those walls you've been putting off painting? Oyster White, Navajo White, Cielo Blanco, Off White are but a few variations that builders use when painting the interior of most homes.