Morning walks, tired monday's & red wine

Wow, it's a slow day today. When the alarm went off at 6:20am this morning both me and W struggled to even open our eyes. The rest of the day have continued in the same manner for me, although I did start it with an amazing 8k walk along the river as the sun started to rise. It is one of my favorite walks in Melbourne mostly because it's so lush and green even though you're still close to the hustle. When I got home I cleaned out the house before making a big breakfast and sitting down with some organising for the week. My Monday's are sort of like an organising day, I write up my to-do lists for the week, do some studying, exercise, grocery shop and clean up at home. I like having them off, it takes the edge of the Sunday and gives me time to get things done that I would otherwise have to do throughout the nights. Oh well, to turn this rather dull Monday around I'm gonna take a bath before seeing the girls for a glass of red. I can't wait to have a night full of girls talk and laughter, that's exactly what I need today ♥ From my morning walk, how beautiful?