Wednesday training

My Wednesday workout was all about glute activation, control and stability. This week I've finally started to exercise again and my main focus is on correcting the strength imbalances I have on my right and left side of the body. The best way of doing that is through unilateral exercises where you only work one side of the body at a time. Besides helping with imbalances and stability, this is also amazing if you're like me and you like running or if you just want to improve your movement patterns. Wednesday WorkoutA1: Glute bridges w/resistance bandA2: Clam holds w/resistance bandA3: SL glute bridgesA4: Bird dogsA5: Single leg squatsA6: Single leg step-upsDo 12 repetitions of each exercise and then move straight to the next one. Complete the whole circuit, rest for a minute and then repeat 3 times. And remember, it is all about control and feeling it in the right places so go slow and focus!  Happy training sisters!