Stress from workload and badly designed software

Of course, working on a computer isn’t dangerous. A poor typing position and not taking regular breaks are common causes of RSI injuries. DSE training should be carried out by anyone who regularly uses a computer.Perhaps, similar to a motorway ‘take a break’ should flash up at intervals on the computer screen of regular users!Simple adjustments to the workstation or workday can reduce RSI, pain and tension. Think about the chair itself - it should be in good repair and stable, and it should be adjustable - the height should be adjustable up and down to the correct height for the desk, allowing legs to move comfortably.Aches and pains from poor posture can affect the fingers, hands, wrists, arms, shoulders and backs. If nothing is done to help, and staff aren’t given DSE training, these aches and pains may well become serious. The computer health and safety display screen regulations even apply to employees who work from home if they sit at a screen for a good part of their work. Choosing DSE training which ends with a DSE assessment will give employers proof of what their staff have learnt. DSE training discusses these adjustments in further detail, and helps employers meet display screen equipment regulations.Headaches and eyestrain may be exacerbated by screen glare from a poorly positioned computer screen, incorrect contrast on the screen, screen characters which are too small or not in sharp focus or spending too long looking at the screen without a break. Stress from workload and badly designed software can also be a big factor in causing tension headaches. But don’t be fooled by the words! Anyone who regularly uses a computer might need DSE training.Once the chair is comfortable then think about how to sit. The DSE regulations aim to protect regular uses of display screen equipment. Most safety concerns to do with computers are to do with posture. The chair back should also tilt and adjust up and down to a position to support the small of the back securely. It’s important to keep the curves in the back in alignment - that means no slumping, stretching or twisting - and this could mean rearranging the things on the desk and in the immediate vicinity to a more logical position (the things used most should be the easiest to get at). MSDs are not only the result of computer use of course, other factors such as poor manual handling technique also plays a part. They are sometimes called repetitive strain injuries (RSI), and they are a type of musculoskeletal disorder (MSD).Statistics from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) show that although work-related MSDs are on the decrease, they still make up an alarming proportion of the work-related illnesses each year.Computer health and safety isn’t complicated or expensive.In January 1993 The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 came into effect. Good posture can be achieved with a well laid-out and well-positioned workstation, and regular breaks and changing task throughout the day can also avoid work-related MSDs..For example, a few adjustments to seating and posture China Fresh Display Shelf Factory may stop that gradual build-up of pain across the shoulders, or in the small of the back. A relatively high number of DSE workers, particularly those who haven’t carried out DSE training, complain about aches and pains, eyestrain and headaches.The phrase ‘Display Screen Equipment (DSE) training’ could easily refer to people training to use-or fix-computers. Just a few simple adjustments may be all that’s needed to eliminate health concerns and meet display screen regulations. In fact there has been a great deal of ICT health and safety studies carried out, for example into how a computer may affect eyesight, and the results show there’s no evidence that it causes disease or permanent damage to eyes