On Tuesday when I came home from work D. had this beautiful starter on the table! He knows that I'm hungry when I get home, and normally a bit cranky after a packed metro ride.. food always cheers me up :)  Every night this week has been thunderstorm galore here in Paris, I watched the ominous clouds roll in outside of our window. I love lightning & thunder.  For dinner I made us a fish gratin, not the easiest to get a nice pic but it was really yummy :) creamy, rich and perfect for a stormy night.  The rest of the night was spent playing Trivial Pursuit (a vide grenier-find!), we play a quick version where you get a pie-piece every time you answer any question right, otherwise we'd never finish, haha.. D. won and I tried not to be a sore loser :P Then we watched an amazingly bad Nicolas Cage movie before bed, a perfect night in at ours. Today I'm perfecting my packing-list, writing down what I need to buy/organise and I've also re-arranged a little bit at home. But that's a story for another time :) now, time to get ready to pick up a couple of kiddos in school!