Yesterday I met up with this beautiful girl for coffee & catch up at Espresso House. We may not see each other often, but every time it's like no time at all has passed. Always makes me happy seeing her <3 We always exchange gifts when we see each other around Christmas, Bella is one of the most generous people I know. Proof above!  After we'd hugged goodbye I had some last minute Christmas shopping to do. I'd borrowed a pair of shoes from mom (love having the same size) which at this stage unfortunately had given me a massive blister on the right heel. Hobbled the half hour it takes to get home...  But Stockholm is decked out in its finest at the moment, so kept myself occupied by listening to a podcast and admiring my picturesque hometown.  The rest of the day was spent putting together a Christmas themed quiz, eating pizza & drinking wine and playing quiz games with mom, Jacob (brother) & Fanny (J's special lady friend). Lovely day all in all. Now, brunch with dad!