You know what one can do in Paris on a sunny Sunday? Well, one can do my absolute favourite thing: go to a vide-grenier! And so we did! Sometimes you get there and there's nothing much fun there, other times you get there and it's positively great! This one had little street signs put up and everything.  One can listen to an older couple singing covers in the afternoon sun. These ones had to lean in really close to the note stand to see the words <3 One can take a photo of a friend only to realize that it was completely over exposed, but still kind of like it.  One can walk past a food stall and think "nah, not that hungry yet" only to later go "why but WHY didn't I eat?!?" One should always keep a close eye on friends in these sorts of crowds. But if you do get lost, it's good to know that these guys are around. Kind of like this situation.  One can buy AMAZING BOOTS. They're black (duh) suede & leather, with a gold metal plaque on the inside of the heel, so they make that lovely clippety-cloppety sound. They were among the first things I saw and Duncan paid for them while I was going for a test-walk <3 have barely taken them off since...  And after a tad of shopping and a lot of walking one can sit down with a famous beer from Mauritius, because why not? One can also continue on the day with picnic & lots of wine by the Bassin de la Villette, but that's another story :)