When one works with kids, one tends to spend a lot of time in parks when the weather allows (and sometimes when it doesn't). When it's October, the air is crisp and all leaves are bright shades of yellow and red there is nothing I'd rather do! Park nr 1: Monceau. Behind the playground there is a statue of Chopin, it is for some mysterious reason one of my kids favourite spots in the park. Don't get me wrong, it's a lovely statue, but the kid in question is 2 years old! We spend a lot of time sitting by this statue saying "yes, Chopin", sometimes pretending to play the piano :)))  Park nr 2: Square Sainte-Odile. A little spot of greenery with a playground, Paris is packed with these little miniature parks. Very cute. This one has a long slide and a big sand pit, where one has to keep an extra close eye on little kids who want to eat sand. An expert tip, from me to you.  The other day I got my littlest one to nap in the stroller for a half hour, so I took the opportunity to sit down on a bench (still rocking the stroller back and forth though, otherwise he wakes up) and read my book for a little bit. The girl with a clock for a heart, exciting thriller by Peter Swanson, this is the third book by him I'm reading and I'll be sure to download the fourth as soon as I've finished!  Park nr 3: my personal fave, Buttes Chaumont. So many hidden nooks and crannys in this place, it also happens to be just up the road from where we live. It's got views, a pond, a bar. Everything you could wish for in a park :) I spent an hour there yesterday with one of my older kids (this one is 7), it was just the two of us for a change (normally his sister is with us, but she finished school a bit later yesterday). I thought he would want to play football (his latest obsession), but no, he just wanted to walk around the park and chat with me. <3 <3 <3  Walking past this scenery I thought of Central Park, is it just me or is there something New York-y about it??  And with this amazing sunset pic from the family's balcony last night sum up this park-week! Well, I did visit another one but didn't photograph so that can be a park-treat for another time :))) Today is the last day of monster week (it's been non stop work since I came back from Sweden, headed straight to work from the airport I might add!) and after work I'm planning to celebrate the weekend with laptop shopping and beer with friends!! Yay!