Lately I've become slightly obsessed with plants. I joined a plant-group on Facebook and sometimes I just go in to the group and look at pictures and read peoples questions and discussions, I find it weirdly soothing. I definitely do not have green fingers and have killed plenty of plantys in my day, but I'm really trying to learn and create my own little green oasis here in the city. So in February I took a little piece of an ivy we have hanging outside of our window and popped it in some water. Didn't expect much to be honest, but LOOK AT IT NOW!  25th of February.......  .... and today!!  It's sprouted so many leaves and it has a real root system going! I'm considering putting it in soil but am a bit scared that I'll then manage to kill it somehow :/ also kind of like it in the cointreau bottle by our window. Hm. We'll see! That's all the plant news from today loves, happy Saturday to you :)))