Three little piggies went to Hellfest. Two little piggies hugged a lot, since they don't exactly get to hang out every day, however much they would love to. <3 One sunny day there they saw a band called The Dead Daises. A short and fun gig.  Check 'em out here! Two had langos for lunch, something Sweden Rock do around a hundred times better sadly. How you can screw up fried dough with sour cream, garlic & cheese I don't know?? Back at the camp Francis was hanging out with a fork taped to his sunnies.  Marc went full glam (+ hello kitty, but duh). And Sylvain joined in with hot painted nipples. As you do.  So we took the guy with the lovely nipples by the paw and went to see.... Mr Dee Snider! Fun gig, we positioned ourselves towards the back though because....  We found happiness in a man with a massive hose - MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER PEOPLE. An actual hose spraying cold, lovely water - a frickin haven when it's 37 degrees in the shade. And at Hellfest there is. no. shade.  Will leave you with this short series of what utter and complete happiness looks like. Je vous en prie:  The day continued on but I'm leaving you here for now 'cause Kat (American Kat, although Oz-Kat you know you are ALWAYS welcome on my doorstep <3) is on her way over for dinner so I better freshen up! Ciao for now lovers!