
Ok so I just want to do a little post in which I just write exactly what I am thinking, because I have a lot on my mind and I would love to get some of it out of there... This post will probably not make much sense but hopefully someone will read it anyways. Life is hard. I just had to say that because it is. It is so cliche that people say that when you tell them your struggles, and I understand it completely but it is still such BS what some people deal with. My theory is that everyone goes through at least one major struggle/obstacle in their life which changes them forever, and this is why my favorite question to ask people is "What has been your biggest obstacle in life, and how did you overcome it?" I get such diverse answers depending on the person, but it gives me an insight to how they have become who I know them as now. I find it fascinating to learn about people's lives because I can learn from them as well as find out more about them. Their obstacle may have only been a day or possibly is never ending, but it may still be equally life changing. I know that many people are going through their obstacle currently, and that's why I think it is so important to ask people every now and then how they are actually doing. I just would like you guys to all ask someone every now and then the same thing, but only if you actually care about the answer and aren't out to hurt them.Yea, thats all I have to say right now... Sorry for a rambling post bout literally nothing... Also, I have lost lots of motivation to blog since I moved platforms because it isn't going as well for me, and I just have nothing that I could post but I hope you can forgive me. You can always check out my youtube, in which I recently uploaded a song about Sex. XOXO,G