Surfbussen rullar vidare till Cervinia!

Hej!Vår resa fortsätter och vi är nu i Cervinia, Italien. Hit kom vi i måndags och vädret fortsätter leverera sol. Men innan jag börjar snacka om det måste jag visa bilder från dom sista dagarna i Champoluc. Helgen kom till Champoluc och äntligen lugnade vinden ner sig. Vi kom äntligen ut i offpisten som går ner mot Alagna. Vi startade dagen med ett av de klassiska offpiståken som heter La Balma som går längs den gamla Punta Nera liften. Bilderna har blivit väldigt pixlade men det får vara så i detta inlägg. Ska se vad jag gör för fel, är lite nybörjare med kameran och redigering. -----Our trip continues and we are now in Cervinia, Italy. Here is some pictures from our last days in Champoluc. The wind finally calmed down and we took us out in the best offpist down to Alagna. We skied a run called La Balma. It is a easy run and really long.The pictures is pixled... trying to fix that! The run goes under the old Punta Nera lift.  Hanna! In the end of the run there is this old village which I think people might stay in during the summer. And then you come to this refugio which was really the best part of the run. The snow was pretty windblown and hard and in the end really warm. So to come down to this beautiful hut which has awesome food was so nice! Francessco was there! The mountain guide I been talking about before, he works both here and in Chamonix. As you can see! The rest of the way down to Alagna was really bad due to lack of snow, been so warm the past days so we had to walk where we normally ski down. So it took us probably 1 hour to come back to the lift in Alagna.  So we just went on the top of Champolucs highest lift and enjoyed a afterski at Danieles restaurang. Everyone should visit this awesome place.  Bombardinos, the best one is here for sure. Small with cream AND mascarpone! The next day which was this sunday, was sunny and warm. Me, Sebastian and Hanna went down Malfata. The snow was like perfect slushy spring snow. First part of Malfata is really steep so we had to repel us down. Great practicing. Best thing about this place is that the runs is so long. The food is so good. And it is cheap.  If you are looking for a great all around ski? Look for Salomon QST 107 ski, I have the ''Stella''. Works for me everyday. Love them!! As you can see, so bad with snow! This run ends at the same refugio as yesterday. But we skipped it that day and took a late lunch up at Danieles restaurang. Though so happy for two days with good stable conditions!! Before our late lunch we went by Giovanni, best afterski in Gressoney! Because it was our last evening we visited this place for dinner. If you like meat and wine, this is the place for you! Delicious food and wine. Pasta with some kind of meat, don't remembered what kind of meat it was.  Wine boiled pears with icecream.. yummie.Really good food and everyone payed like 45 € , which is nothing compared to prices in sweden! Then monday came by and we was supposed to ski Malfata again cause it was so good yesterday. We came to the parking and was a bit late and what happeneds?! Yes our lift card didn't work, so we bought liftpass for only 7 days instead of 8. Then we decided to move on instead, because we already was so late. Malfata and the runs down to Alagna needs a bit of time cause you have to come around to Champoluc again and need to time the last lift from Gressoney.  Bye Champoluc and thanks to family Lindgren for letting us borrow your shower, kitchen etc... and of course thanks for beautiful days! We moved on and I had to stop to snap a photo of this old lift somewhere on the way to Cervinia. We came to Cervina 1 hour later and crashed at Hotel Millefiori parking lot in Valtounche. And we also eat dinner there. This hotel is new for the season and it is so cosy. Thanks for letting us stay here! Everyone is sitting around this table and it gets so social. Fredrik and Linus!-----Yesterday (our first skiday here) me and Sebastian just took a calm day here to see us around in the pistes. Mostly on the Zermatt side. We took the train you can take all the way up from Zermatt village. Matterhorn! Zermatt, so expensive village.......... and car free. We took us all the way down to the village to buy carbins but they was so expensive so we walked through the town to the lift. Cosy village but way to expensive right now. Then we worked our way back to Cervinia and stop for a lemon soda and worked on our carving skills. When we came back to the hotel we worked with our computers and made us some salad in our car.... because our gasol kitchen still doesn't work. So we gave up with this problem and it feels like we don't have to buy a new one with only a few weeks left.  A simple salad!We had a beautiful day today in the mountains today, unfortunaltely I (of course) deleted all my photos from today. Seriously... I don't feel so smart at the moment. But Im trying to get them back. So there will be more updates soon..See you later, have a nice evening!