Concious eating!

Have you ever really paid attention to what you put in your mouth every day? To what you choose to spend your money on? To what you consider to be food? Most people are just interested in if it tastes good and if it makes them full. Some people just do this when it comes to lose weight, they’re counting calories – size and kilos are more important than the actual nourishment itself. I’ve been like that myself. I even deluded myself with thoughts that if I was only skinnier, more toned, had more muscles, bigger butt, firmer thighs and so on, that I maybe, probably, would be happier. But come on, deep inside we know this is not the case. Like people with “perfect” bodies wouldn’t be suffering from depression? But it’s easy to think like that. Especially in the society we live in today. Looking good = Feeling good. But not really. I’ve read a lot about what kinds of foods to eat – or really what NOT to eat when you have ADHD or autism for example. Avoid gluten, dairy, sugars, caffeine, and others it said. I tried it, it did have some effect but not enough. And I could never sustain that diet, because I didn’t see satisfying results and I didn’t now enough about the effects of DETOX. I will get back to the crucial importance of understanding DETOXIFICATION in another post.Ask yourself this - how much of the food that you have at your home today is actually real food? Like not half fabricated, processed, chemically enhanced, stuffed, and mixed with a bunch of confusing E-numbered kind of food? I were chocked after I raided my fridge, freezer, and pantry the first time. And confused. Like, how was I ever even going to be able to do this, to make a change? And I have a husband and two children to cook for, and they are dairy loving carnivores. How would I be able to be strong enough to pursue with what I had in mind and not to fall back into old patterns? Because old habits die hard. And food is like any other addiction, you don’t have to have an eating disorder to be addicted to food, it comes in many different forms. How could I persuade or at least be a little bit inspiring to my family, when I wasn’t really convinced myself? But you must start somewhere. So, I decided I would fake it until I make it!To be able to get to where I am today, I had to drastically change my eating pattern, to realise what actual effects the items I chose to use as my fuel, my food, had on my body and vitaly to my mental health. I’ve come across the answer so many times over the years, but I just didn’t see it. I didn’t understand it. I couldn’t really take to heart that this might be my remedy, or even A remedy – because it was so far from what I’ve been taught. From what I learned from early childhood. In school. From Tv and advertisement. I considered it to be too drastic, too radical. Because honestly – who eats RAW food anyways?