My all Natural Hair Routine!

Hot Oil Treatment! The same day, a few hours before I wash it, I indulge my hair and scalp with a natural hot oil treatment and a stimulating head massage. (The oils should be cold pressed, extra virgin, to retain its properties.)I mix together my choice of oils in a glass bowl, and carefully heat the oil over hot water, just slightly above body temperature.When the oil is warm, I apply it thoroughly at the scalp of my hair, and combes it out with my fingers to cover the rest of the hair. I then put a plastic cap (you can use a plastic bag) on my head, and wraps a hot towel around it. (I heat my towel in the oven, but be careful, I almost started a fire once!)The oils can vary, I have around 30 (!) of them. You can use regular olive oil, if you want, you probably already have it handy in your kitchen. But I have a few favourites.Argan Oil - What makes the oil so beneficial, is that it’s rich with vitamins A, C and E, as well as being loaded with antioxidants, linoleic acid and omega-6 fatty acids. When applied externally, it can help boost cell production which results in healthier skin and hair.Hemp oil - Hemp oil is packed with lipids, which add moisture and shine to your hair. The oil helps to strengthen fragile strands, gives your hair body, and may even make your hair thicker. It can also help promote new hair growth and prevent hair loss from taking place.Castor oil - Castor oil has all the vital qualities such as vitamin E, minerals, and proteins. It offers other great benefits such as controlling hair loss, fighting scalp infections and dandruff (due to its anti-fungal properties), conditioning and moisturizing the hair, as well as preventing split ends. The hair is very thick, so mix it with another oil of your choice to make it easier to work with. (Brush a small amount of this oil on your eyebrows and eyelashes to enjoy a great natural enhancing serum, but be careful not to get it in your eyes.)Coconut Oil- Coconut oil is pretty much like the holy grail. It acts as a heat protectant, repairs hair damage and breakage, helps to prevent hair loss, as well as aids hair growth. Because of its properties, coconut oil stays inside the hair and retains moisture instead of evaporating, making it one of the most effective hair treatments there is. It helps to keep the hair nourished, soft, and less prone to breakage. It’s not very expensive and you can buy it everywhere.Jojoba Oil - (pronounced: Ho-ho- ba) This oil is wonderful because its chemical structure resembles the oil that is produced naturally by our scalps (sebum). The oil, similarly to coconut oil, hydrates the hair deep within, moisturizing and treating the hair follicles from the inside. It also treats dandruff and dry scalp problems, as well as adds shine and softness. Hair wash! I take regular showers, but I only wash my hair around once a week. I don’t use a regular shampoo or conditioner, but a natural hair powder from India called Shikakai, as both. The Shikakai Powder acts as a natural astringent for the hair, enhancing its binding properties. It clears dandruff and cleans the dirt accumulated in the scalp. Being a natural conditioner for hair, Shikakai strengthens hair roots and promotes hair growth, and you don’t need to use anything else afterwards. The Shikakai Powder has certain vital proprieties, that act as coolants for the scalp. (As a bonus - the product has not been tested on animals!) Hesh Shikakai Powder' has the following advantages: ·         Provides new life to hair strands ·         Strengthens hair roots ·         Clears dandruff ·         Keeps the scalp clean and cool ·         Gives it great volume Hair colouring! I tried different natural haircolouring products, but this is my favourite, due to satisfying coverage of grey hair in a natural way. Radico Organic Hair Color is using ayurvedic Certified Organic herbs [henna, methi, amla, hibiscus, bhringraj, coffee, indigo in diff.-2 ration]. It gently coats your hair for vibrant stable color that lasts a long time. I tend to leave the product in my hair for a couple of hours (up to 3h sometimes 4h) to get the best coverage as possible. Since I use the colour dark brown, the colour doesn't change too much, I don't know how the colour would react if you use a blonde or red colour. So, experiment with care. Radico have a great variety of colour choices. (Read instructions carefully and follow the safety procedure as recommended, as you would with a chemical product.) I would love to show you my hair, but as you might have noticed - Its nothing I do in public ;).