Coat - NA-KD, Boots - Timberland's/ HERE, Pants - H&M/ oldies, Top - Seppälä, Sunglasses - Lindex/ HERE, Earrings - MontonProbably the very last outfit I post with Timberland's this season, but you'll never know.. So basically I mixed together a nude palette on my outfit, something very different for me since I always have the urge to add something black, but now it's full neutrals only (minus the lambskin scarf). Of course counting in my luck again, in the midst of taking photos it started to rain down hard pieces of snow and totally out of the blue sky of course. So typical..I think I just don't belong into this climate haha! Oh and I found that lambskin scarf in the bottom of my closet, no idea how long that has been sitting there, but I started to wear this super warm thing right away. The wonders you can find from the depths of your closet, right!?Now I'm back in Sweden again. Had a direct flight to Copenhagen. Usually I have to sit an hour or two at Riga too. Before I left Estonia, we celebrated my love's 24th birthday in the restaurant Art Priori and went to cinema to watch the Big Short in the A le Coq Suite. I am so so tired right now that I'm gonna make this post short and post a longer overview of my break at home later wiith a bunch of photos in a collage. Time to unpack again and start the university work over again!Good night! x___________________________________________________________________Ilmselt kõige viimane outfit Timberland'idega see hooaeg, aga mine sa tea.. Segasin kokku nude paleti selle riietuse puhul ning kuidagi saigi kokku üleni neutraalsetes toonides look (väljaarvatud lambanahast krae). Päris raske oli, sest mul on kalduvus alati midagi musta lisada, aga sain lõpuks hakkama. Arvestades mu õnne hakkas muidugi piltide tegemise ajal selgest taevast tulema rahet. Nii tavaline.. ma vist lihtsalt ei kuulu sellesse kliimasse haha! Leidsin selle lambanahast krae oma kapipõhjast kodus. Ma ei tea kaua see seal istunud on, aga käiku läks ta kohe. Küll kapipõhjadest tuleb alles vahvaid üllatusi välja eksju!? Tulin täna tagasi Rootsi. Enamasti pean istuma tunni-kaks ka Riia lennujaamas, aga vähemalt seekord oli otselend Kopenhaagenisse. Enne kui kodumaa tolmu jalgadelt pühkisin tähistasime mu Joonase 24.ndat sünnipäeva restoranis Art Priori ning vaatasime filmi A le Coq Sviidis. Ma olen nii nii väsinud praeguseks, et ma jätan selle postituse katki ja teen pikema postituse oma puhkusest hiljem koos collage'i täie fotodega. Aeg asjad lahti pakkida ja ülikoolitöö võib alata!Head ööd! x