No one likes a bad smell especially when it's coming from the mouth. Everyone is turned off by a bad smell, and this can be embarrassing and, in some cases, could lead to anxiety, and low self-esteem. Bad breath which is medically referred to as halitosis is a dental issue that makes the mouth smell. It is caused by diseases which originate from bad or poor hygiene, dehydration, poor dental habits. Mouthwash alone cannot solve halitosis; neither does good brushing or mints. Halitosis remains for a long time and might be a symptom of a serious medical problem. SO, WHAT CAUSES HALITOSIS? There are certain things that contribute to having bad breath, and these possible things include; POOR DIETING AND BAD EATING HABITS Most people have the bad habit of eating all and any kinds of foods, and adamantly refuse to note the essence and importance of brushing three times a day and especially at bedtime, without realizing that the food we eat during the day contains unchewed fragments or particles that certainly gets stuck in our teeth, and these particles becomes bacteria or germs that cause bad breath over time. DEHYDRATION Halitosis or bad breath is also caused by dehydration. Dehydration is the loss of body fluids that impairs bodily functions. Mouth odor through dehydration is due to the lack of fluids in the body as a result of insufficient water consumption or the consumption of foods or other fluids that sap water from the body. This has a direct effect on our salivary glands as it becomes difficult to produce the right amount of fluids that aid digestion. TOBACCO AND SMOKING Tobacco or tobacco-related products have a direct negative effect on your system and breath in general. Not only does the odor from these products linger in your body or mouth, but they also dehydrate the mouth. People who smoke can also pick a chronic gum disease from the process, which causes halitosis. HOW DO WE HANDLE HALITOSIS? While halitosis can be reduced by brushing your mouth regularly (at least three times daily), drinking a lot of water, chewing sugarless gum, reducing caffeine intake, and cutting on smoking habits, etc. there are natural products that directly help in stopping this disease. By using Modere products, you can regain that fresh breath which you have lacked lately. Modere products are made from natural ingredients and have little or no effect on your gums or mouth. Their products also help improve overall general health and wellness and keep you feeling safe in all aspects. To buy Modere products, visit If you notice that your bad breath lingers after using these products, you are advised to consult your dentist to give you advise on the next steps to take or treatment plans to follow.