5 tips for working mothers when buying a home

Today's working mothers make many important decisions at home, and often that choice is right down the road to achieving the dream of quitting rent and owning their own home from Buyproperty. If you have set yourself that goal, we have 5 tips from Karla Bayly, consultant and coach on financial issues , to help you achieve it: 1. Tips for single mothers You always have to start from a budget, that is, know how much your income and expenses amount to. Be realistic about what you really need to spend to prioritize saving. “The best way to save is to know that you are subject to a certain spending limit each month. That helps a lot when you have the goal of having a house because a goal motivates you, it is not that you tighten your belt just because yes, it is about reuniting the hook of your house at capital smart city ”. That becomes a great reason not to spend on things you don't really need. Set priorities and allocate that amount to savings. And if you can't find what expense you can cut, there are always ways to generate additional income from home: catalog sales, selling those delicious desserts, and so on. That way you do not neglect your little ones and that extra you can allocate to the acquisition of your home. 2. Tips for moms with variable incomes You must start from the same principle: awareness of your level of income and expenses. Whatever is not in it, it should go to the house savings bag. According to Bayly, the important thing at this point is to emphasize that it is not only about saving by separating that money, but also investing. "Currently there are many options in which you can invest from 100 pesos. As long as you have the necessary money for the house, the rest may be growing and that is a great incentive, "he says. It feels great to invest, to see your money grow and see how that brings you closer to your goal - if not very fast because you prefer to make a moderate risk investment and you do not want to risk the down payment on your house - it is very gratifying to see that your money is not falling asleep in the bank, he warns. Among the options that the personal finance expert mentions are Piggo and Cetes Direct. 3. Tips for married or partner moms The first step is to make sure that the goal of home ownership is a common one, not just yours. If you are both in tune, you are less likely to get frustrated and miss the goal of raising the money for the down payment. The next thing is to make a savings plan. In the opinion of the financial coaching specialist, what works for several couples is adjusting to living with the salary of one of the two and the other salary to spend it on savings and fun. This is a healthy practice that makes them reach projects like home, go on a trip or start a business. ALSO READ Newlyweds? Join your credits to buy a house!  4. Tips for moms with children in school stages The advice for you is to prioritize, what do you want? A very good school for your son and not having his own house or perhaps lowering the level of school or life but thinking that you are going to have a heritage. Is it worth sacrificing a little? Bayly says yes. We all want the best education for our children, but sometimes we start letting go because they have to be in the best school or we have to take them to all kinds of extracurricular courses when that is not vital. It may seem crude, but if the goal is to have a house, certain decisions are required to achieve it. Another important tip, do not get carried away by the guilt of being a working mother. You do not have to compensate your absence with gifts or with the false illusion of giving your child what you did not have in childhood. Consider that perhaps your parents did own their properties and that this would be much more beneficial for your offspring. 5. Tips for everyone We finish with 4 essential tips before starting your savings, so that you can go to your dream home: ·         Having an emergency fund: because when you don't have it, where you are going to take money is from home savings. ·         Having insurance for medical and auto expenses: well, that will also prevent you from using that capital when you have a problem. Avoid all kinds of spoilers. ·         Eliminate ant expenses: a donut or some chewing gums don't seem like much, but do the math and calculate how much you waste on that and how it could be a significant saving for the down payment of your house after 3 or 4 years. And now yes ... ·         An automated savings plan: the best way to save is to do it without hurting you, make an agreement with your bank, investment fund or cetes to have that money taken from you automatically, so you know that you do not have it and avoid temptations. Like everything good in life, achieving the goal of owning your own home requires commitment and a little effort. Do not be discouraged thinking that you will not succeed, each step counts, start today taking advantage of these tips that will give you an advantage along the way. In Vivanuncios you can find your ideal home among more than 93 thousand listings of properties for sale throughout Mexico, according to your budget, needs and location.