How Does Marijuana Affect Me?

Marijuana doesn't have specific drug class, but legally it is considered a Schedule 1 Narcotic by the DEA. This implies it's defined as having a top potential for abuse and no accepted medical use. Multiple states (15 now including Arizona while the latest), disagree with this particular and have laws on the books legalizing marijuana for medicinal usage. Low grade marijuana contains 1 to 3 percent delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) where to buy thc oil  can be what's typically sold recreationally. THC is widely called the absolute most active psychoactive agent in marijuana. High quality marijuana called sinsemilla contains 7 to 8 percent THC and hashish is between 7 and 20 percent. The most concentrated type of marijuana is hash oil which can contain up to 70% THC!Common terms for marijuana include: reefer, pot, herb, ganja, grass, old man, blanche, weed, sinsemilla, bhang, hash, tar, hashish, hash oil, chronic, and dagga.How one feels: People's experience with smoking marijuana will change greatly between individuals. Usually one experiences, relaxation and mood elevation within a few minutes and of a half hour later sedation and drowsiness. Periods of contemplative silence are often interspersed with hilarity. Eating marijuana, whether as high-grade or hashish, takes a lot longer for the consequences to begin. There's an increased tendency for a hallucinogenic response.Learning and memory function may be affected for a prolonged period of time even with one other effects wear off. It takes quite a while for the mind to remove marijuana (and its metabolites), so cognitive function may be affected for over per day after smoking or ingesting one dose.Lethal overdose with marijuana has not been reported. A heavy dose may cause a person feeling fearful or anxious. Even though an overdose has not been seen, it will affect judgment and complex coordination. Hence the greatest concern with marijuana is affected driving skills, hence accidents, and/or dangerous mistakes in judgment. Marijuana does increase heartbeat and places greater workload on the heart. So there could be interactions with heart or blood pressure medications, but plenty of research needs to be performed to elucidate the specifics. There has been one study showing marijuana together with cocaine can result in fatal heart problems.The cannabis plant accounts for every one of the psychoactive properties of marijuana. Tetra-hydro-cannabinol (THC) has been reportedly within internal organs of an Egyptian mummy from 950 BC. By the 1840's, marijuana was being used frequently to improve creativity by artists and intellectuals in France.