A car is in or is rapidly approaching a vehicle's blind spot

However, these auto features are becoming increasingly common. High Definition (HD) Radio systems and Bluetooth technology are also offered as part of the auto package. Essentially, the system enables the driver to pull up to an available parking space by just pressing a button. Audi's Side Assist system, launched in the new 2007 Q7 SUV, uses radar to detect other vehicles. BMW, Lexus, and Mercedes-Benz introduced updated versions of the Night Vision system, which was initially offered by Cadillac. Nowadays, each driver is given the opportunity to ride high-tech autos. It does not need the assistance of Audi rotors or of a Volvo head gasket to function well. Spectacular auto features are now made available by automakers but they also come with awesome price tags. That fact makes James Bond jealous for sure. Both systems utilize LED displays near each outside rearview mirror to warn a driver that he should not try to change lanes because a car is in or is rapidly approaching a vehicle's blind spot. From push-button parking to night vision systems, today's auto and car features are simply fascinating.